23 June 2014

Monday Made It

So excited to link up with 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It. Be sure to link up with her here.

Now, originally I was going to work on my teacher toolbox to use for today's Monday Made It, but I realized this project needs more time than I had, so stay tuned for that next week.

My project this week was a fun first and last day memory.  These frames can be used to take a picture of the kiddos on the first day of school and the last. They hold up the frame and it makes a cute keepsake for parents. I made a large frame a few years ago for my first graders that they held up and their head was inside.  I liked that, but since I changed grade levels I decided to make a new one and do this.  I got my frames at Target - size 8 x 10 and just used scrapbook paper I had around the house. 

Thanks for checking this project out. Be sure to link up with Monday Made It!
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