22 June 2014

New Teacher Books to Read

Now that summer is underway it's time to start working on reading my new teacher books. I love having time to delve into new teacher resources. Here's what I'll be reading...

This one is for my new school.  It's all about growth and fixed mindset.

I've read Comprehension Connections in a book study a few years ago, but want to brush up on it.  I taught first grade at the time and this book works well with 3rd grade and up from what I read.  Since I'm teaching 2nd graders who are working with 3rd grade materials I thought it would be great to refresh myself on this one.

Since I enjoyed reading Tanny McGregor's Comprehension Connections, I recently purchased her new one Genre Connections.  I'm especially excited to see her info on nonfiction text. With Common Core, this is much bigger now than it used to be, so I can always get new ideas.

I saw this one on Amazon as well and thought it looked like it was chalk full of information.  Strategies that Work has a number of ideas that can be used in the classroom and I can't wait to read them and try them out.

When I'm finished, I will post some of the new ideas I've learned on my blog.  So, be sure to check back!
So, new teachers (and I'm new again since I'm at a new school) are due back August 6.  Hopefully I can get all this reading finished while also planning a wedding, moving into a new apartment, working on TPT, and some crafts.  Good thing it's summer!
Be sure to follow me on....
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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