30 June 2014

Monday Made It - June 30

Still no teacher toolbox yet lol.  Last week was wedding dress shopping and then my fiancĂ© surprised with me a staycation at Mandalay Bay for the weekend...so needless to say the toolbox was the last thing on my mind.  I'm pulling for next week.
Even though I don't have my teacher toolbox ready yet, I'm still linking up for Monday Made It with 4th Grade Frolics.  Be sure to link up here!
My new school that I'm at is big in the 5 step writing process. I know most schools use this, but my last one didn't really have writing resources.  Since they're big in it and I know we'll have writing folders, I decided to turn my old teacher plan bins into storage for their writing folders. This way I can see where each student is at in the writing process and it can help me stay on top of that.  I got this idea from Pinterest here at the Superlative Six's Blog. Thank you for the idea!

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