Five for Friday - February 19

Another busy week even thought it was a super short week! I'm linking back up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Link up here...

We starting working on the comprehension skill - asking questions this week.  The above lesson is from Debbie Miller's Reading with Meaning. I love the book Grandfather Twilight. I think it's an uncommon book so the kids always have great reactions to it because it's new to them.  The first day we came up with questions before we read, while we read, and after.  Some questions were pretty deep and some were more surface level. We were very worried about the animals this year lol.

I love Class Dojo's Growth Mindset videos. We've watched three now and they are fantastic! If you haven't seen them, you have to check them out! The first one is about how your brain is constantly growing and learning. The second is all about the importance and that it is ok to make mistakes. The one we watched this week is all about timing.  You might not how to do something right away, but it's not that you won't ever get it, you just don't get it "yet." Great videos that provide great discussion opportunities!

I love number talks! Love, love, love them. I need to give number talks it's own post to fully declare my love lol.  Above is one we did the other day using mental math and solving a 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication problem. Mind you we've only been focusing on basic multiplication for about a month. Look at the number of different strategies and the way the kids are using the numbers flexibly to figure out the answer! I was impressed!

We had our second round of conferences on Tuesday. Luckily we had the whole day off school to meet with parents. I always love showing how much progress the kids have made. I have a great group of kids and families this year so the conferences were very productive and helpful!

Here's a shot or two from Valentine's Day on Sunday. My husband knows me well - flowers and Fritos lol.  The way to my heart! We also had an amazing dinner at Brio! Love the restaurant!

Have a great Friday and weekend!

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Missing Factors - Multiplication Practice

After working for a few weeks on different multiplication strategies, we started working on finding the missing factor.  This was my first year teaching this skill and to be honest I wasn't exactly sure where they'd take it. I first posed a problem to the group in a number talk and let them share out their strategies while I documented them on the board. I was majorly impressed by what they came up with. Because of their ability to think flexibly with numbers and their variety of strategies and solid understanding of multiplication - they did amazing!

Here are a few examples of strategies used for the problem ___ x 4 = 20. I told them that in addition to writing the answer, they also had to prove it.

This student made an array to show that the 4 rows to get to 20 would have 4 in each row.

This student used skip counting to get to 20. They skip counted by 4 and realized it took them 5 times to get to 20.

This student used a number line to jump up by 4 each time and see how many times they had to do that to get to 20.

This student used a combination of skip counting, but also had it clearly marked after so you could see where they got 5 as their answer from.

After working on this during whole group instruction for a day or two, students participated in "Find the Missing Factor Around the Room" This product is now up in my TPT store. I love Around the Room activities because it gives kids practice on a certain skill, but it's not just a worksheet. Students are able to go in any order they want and they're up and moving.

Here's an example problem and the recording sheet:

Check it out in my TPT store here.  Finding the Missing Factor Around the Room includes 16 cards, a recording sheet, and answer key. 

Find the Missing Factors - Around the Room

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Five for Friday - February 12

Happy almost Valentine's Day and almost 3 day weekend! I'm hopeful to survive the Valentine's Party at 2pm today.  Should be a fun one! We're playing Minute to Win It Games with Valentine's candy.

I'm linking up for another Five for Friday.  Link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching here.  Here's what we've been up to this week....

This week our study of measurement has taken us to finding the area of shapes.  To start off, we found the area of rectangles and squares using Cheeze-It's.  Much more fun than just counting grid squares :-).  We did that too, but I love starting with a fun hands-on activity! Gets them engaged from the get go. This is from the Common Core Classes' Cover Up Activities on TPT.

We also begun our next PBL Project. For this project, we are studying important historical figures and how they have contributed to the world. Students were able to choose between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Rosa Parks.  Each group has a bucket full of books, articles, and websites (on the iPads) and folders with planning packets.  Excited to see where this project takes us! I love doing project based learning. Best way to teach social studies in my opinion in addition to other curricular areas.

So I'm not sure who was more excited about this or the kids. I found this awesome area activity from Blair Turner. It's called Dream House project. I couldn't wait to make my sample of my dream house and then find the area of all of the rooms.  The kids are loving creating their "dream" house that fits their passions! I'll show the finished projects next week!

So I'm sort of the queen of wearing flip flops. Now, I've not been proclaimed queen, but I am well-known for always wearing flip flops. As we know, flip flops do not last forever. Yesterday was the day for a pair to go to a better place. And of course the flip flop broke at about 8:10. School starts a 8.  Not the best way to start the day. Luckily I had unused socks that I have in my room for white board erasers, so that saved my feet until I could run home on my break.  I received this little note from one of my kids during writing station. They were all very concerned.  One even offered to make me a new shoe out of cotton balls! Gotta love kids! 

So this one is not a picture, but a link to a letter I saw on Facebook. I'm sure most of you have seen this, but it's always good reminder and validates the many things that teachers deal with. It's a letter written by a teacher to parents, letting them know that they do in fact see and worry about everything that goes on in the classroom, but we still can't discuss it or explain it or share it with parents. It details the worry and the struggles that teachers go through trying to reach each child and especially those kids that are more difficult to reach. This letter really strikes a cord with me as I've had kids like this, but I had an especially tough year a few years ago where many of the situations mentioned were happening in my room.  I felt like no matter what I did, it was never enough and I literally worried about these kids every minute of every day to the point of making myself sick from stress. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is take a minute to read it or re-read it and know that we are doing the best we can in a very difficult job.  And, what we do matters!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday! Happy 3 day weekend!

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Five for Friday - February 5

Crazy that we've already finished the first week of February! January flew by and I'm sure February will do the same.  I'm linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday.  Link up here...

We've moved on to measurement for February.  On Monday, we used Hope King's Measurement Play Book and measured the items to the nearest half inch or inch. It worked out perfectly since it was football themed and the Super Bowl is this weekend! Perfect timing!

I've been doing more charts with our phonics. I've struggled finding a rhythm with our program and phonics at a second/third grade level. So, we've been working with our sounds and doing lots of charts and examples. This week was tricky with the er, ir, ur, or sound since they all practically sound the same. The kids did a great job identifying words and helping me put them in the correct column.
Yesterday, we continued with measurement. We learned about the standard and metric system this week.  Then, we went around the room to find items that were about a centimeter, inch, foot, and yard/meter for our recording sheet. They love using the meter stick! Wish I had one for each kid! But not too much fighting over it so I'll call it a success.
This will be a separate post eventually. I've dove into Project Based Learning this year and couldn't be happier with how it's going and prouder of the kid's progress.  The last 2 months students have been researching a country.  They then wrote a report from their research and worked with their group to create a presentation. I let them have free rein on the presentation and I love that they all chose different things. The group above decided to make a book.  They worked so nicely on their presentations and I love seeing the independence the PBL promotes.  I promise I'll have a big blog post or many blog posts on all of the cool PBL projects we've been doing at some point...
No picture for this one...this week has been rough! I've had a bad cold/upper respiratory infection (well I didn't go to the doctor so who knows if it was officially that) for the past week! I'm so sick of being sick.  Any other teachers in this boat?? This year I've been hit particularly hard! Can't wait to be healthy again!

Hope everyone has a fun and healthy weekend!

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