24 August 2016

Classroom Reveal 2016-17

I've finally made it to year 10 of teaching. It's hard to believe I've been teaching for 10 years. It feels like just yesterday I was in my student teaching class while attending ASU. And, now ten years have passed!  I will say this is one of my more organized classrooms. I was very lucky that since I taught summer school I didn't have to put everything away. It also gave me the chance to organize and fine tune some of the systems and things I have in my room. This is my third year in this classroom, which also helps.  Each year I made tweaks and I think I finally have it where I want it. So, without further ado...here is my classroom for the 2016-17 school year.

This is the welcome bulletin in the hallway right outside my classroom. This bulletin was inspired by Katie from Queen of the First Grade Jungle.

My Instagram Bulletin on the other hallway bulletin right beside my room. This was my favorite bulletin board last year.  I take pictures throughout the month and place them on the board. I also added a hashtag like Instagram that helped describe the picture. This is a really neat way to showcase different things you do in the classroom and a nice way to capture the whole year in a little timeline of sorts.

Right outside my classroom door, I have my class list posted.

This is the view you see when you enter my classroom.  I struggled with ways to set these desks up. They are new and have really cool iPad stands, but since they are angled, they don't connect. Which I'll be honest, drives me a little nuts. I love kids in groups.  And, it's driving my OCD self a little crazy that there is space between the desks. But, I want them in groups, so space there will be.  It actually hasn't been a problem yet (although we are only 2 days in).

Here I have my Bucket Filling Board.  See how I use that here.

This is my huge shelving unit.  The books are my teacher books. These are the books I use to teach different concepts and they are divided out into those concepts. For example I have bins like - Schema, Characters, Letter Writing, Behavior, Important People, etc. On the floor, the numbered bins are my Math Station bins.  

 On top, I have bins that have my math supplies. I'll be doing a separate post on this soon.

There is my Clip Chart.  See how I use  my Clip Chart here.

Here is the view from one of the front corners of my room.  I love that my room has so many windows. The window by my kidney table has an awesome view of the Las Vegas Strips.  My room is definitely in an awesome spot!

Here is my math and supply area.  On my bulletin, there will eventually be math anchor charts in that open black space.  I house my math supplies in the bins on the right side shelving unit. I use the other shelving unit to hold extra supplies - crayons, glue, clip boards, white board markers, etc.

Here is my Writing Area.  This table is used for Writing Station during Literacy Stations. This is also where all of the Writing Workshop materials are housed.

Here is my front white board. I will eventually be adding a portable word wall beneath the white board. Stay tuned for info and pictures on that.

Here's my teacher area.  Less cluttered than normal :-).  We use the stands that are on the kidney shaped table like a document camera using the iPad and projector.

Another view of my teacher corner.  I use the plastic drawers that are stacked to keep material for that day. Great way to keep lessons, papers, and books organized and ready to go for teaching.

One more view of my teacher area. This white board is used for a few things. Currently you can see my homework board. I will also put my literacy station and math station groups on here.

Close-up of the homework board. I use cute washi tape to make it! Brightens up the room.

View of the room from my teacher corner.

I love this table! This is a white board kidney table.  At first, I was concerned that the white board markers wouldn't erase well, but THEY DO!! And, the kids love it. There is something special about writing on the table that is way more fun than even writing on the white board. I love having this for small group work.

Here is my writing bulletin.  The larger side will hold anchor charts we create in class. The smaller section will be for my writing spotlight.  See more about my writing spotlight...here.

Here is my Reading Bulletin. Again, there will be class created anchor charts posted here.

Here is my classroom library. This is one of my favorite parts of my classroom!! Check out how I organized my classroom library, here...

Here are my cubbies and backpack hooks. The kids use the cubbies to store their lunch boxes and snacks.  They then hang their backpacks on the hooks.   I also have my classroom jobs displayed on the wall.  A post about the new way I'm doing classroom jobs will be coming soon...

One more view- this one is taken from my library.

Thank you for stopping by to check out my classroom for the year. I'm very excited with how organized it turned out and it has been very functional so far!  Hope it will continue to work so well for the rest of the school year!

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  1. I LOVE your blue walls!!! So much better than boring old white! Your desks are pretty cool, but I see what you mean about them not fitting together into a nice neat square group. That would drive me crazy, too!! LOL!! Have a great year!

    1. Thank you Courtney! We're very lucky that we get to pick the color of one of our walls! The blue definitely brightens the room up. Hope you have a great year too!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun

    2. I love how organized and inviting your classroom is! Have a great year!
      Confessions of a Frazzled Teacher

    3. Thank you Beth!! Hope you have a great school year too!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. Wow! From your framed quotes and blue walls, to the Instagram wall - this looks like an amazing place to learn! Thanks for the inspiration :) Jen
