23 August 2016

First Day Fun!

So I survived the first day of my 10th year of teaching! We had a wonderful first day, but boy was I exhausted.  After being on summer break and coming back and having to get everyone back into a routine - it takes a lot out of a teacher!

It also makes me reminisce about my last class.  While we had our ups and downs, as you do with any school year, they had it all down. They were so well-trained. They knew where the pencils were. They knew how I expected them to sit on the carpet. They knew the hallway procedures, etc. Now, I'm starting back at square one. Which we all do as teachers every year.  And, it always makes me nostalgic for my last class who had it down and we were working like a well-oiled machine by the end of the year.

I have a few pictures to share with you of my first day. Many things went well, a few things did not.  One - my projector bulb decided to die.  No projector for a teacher who uses tech a lot, on the first day of school.  I made it work. I was flexible. But, I cannot wait for that new bulb to be in! Two - I was forgetful.  Guess which teacher forgot to take the individual - "first day of 2nd grade" pictures with the cute frame?  This girl.  Guess which teacher forgot to take a whole class smiling and cheesy picture?  This girl.  So, we'll try again tomorrow.  We can "pretend" it's the first day again, right??  And, three - I need to get back in my groove.  I was definitely off in what I was saying.  The kids caught me saying "sit criss-cross apple spot."  When I really meant "criss-cross applesauce." And technically, I did want them to sit in their spot that way so I was just trying to shorten my directions...right?  Overall, none of these things were major, but funny little things that made for an entertaining day.

The calm before the storm! I always enjoy the last few minutes of quiet before the new group comes in.

Love First Day Jitters.  I know there are many books out there, but this is still one of my favorite first day books. I read this as a part of our Morning Meeting Share.  Then, everyone shared how they were feeling about the first day of school.

Our first day Morning Message. I like this one because it gives kids a chance to express some things they are hoping to learn and do in 2nd grade.  Good thing all of them are in the curriculum :-).  

Well, here's our one shining moment with the projector. We got through about two minutes of Pop-se-ko, before it decided to shut off and make weird noises!   Wednesday and my new projector bulb cannot come soon enough!

Selfie sticks! These were a hit! I got this idea from Cara Carroll - The First Grade Parade. She shared in one of her live videos the "Selfie Stick" idea.  It's a stick, that has a question they answer about their selfie. Super cute, super simple, and they ate it up! I only had time for about 8 students to share today, and they were all wanting to.  After we did a few, kids were asking if we could do two rounds of it.  All students do is come up one at a time, grab a stick, read it to the class, and answer the question. It's a great way to make connections between things kids have in common and give each kid a chance to be in the spotlight.

Love Chrysanthemum! Another first day favorite! I feel like I almost have this one memorized.  While it's an oldie, but goodie - kids always seem to enjoy it. It also gave us a chance to talk about being kind to others and treat people how you want to be treated.

I honestly have on idea where I got this page, but it was another hit! This activity is Find Someone Who. There are a billion versions out there. This was my first year using it. I'll be honest, as I was explaining it to the kids, I thought this might be a little too much for beginning of second grade.  But, I was wrong! They loved walking around and finding friends who had done the different items on it.  Another great way for kids to get to know each other and for them to get up and get moving.

We did do some academics the first day.  I did "Number Bubbles" or "Ways to Make..."  Check out my blog post on it here.  I love using this as quick math assessment. I gave students the choice of using the number 20, 30, 50, or 100. It's interesting to see what they pick and how they make the number. Great quick formative assessment.

So, that is a little snapshot of some of our fun on the first day! Check my Facebook page out for updates throughout the first week of some of our activities and lessons.

On to Day #2!

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