
Literacy Stations - Technology Station Ideas

Today's blog post has ideas for what tasks to include in your Technology Station.  I call this station my iPad station, but Tech Station could cover many devices.

At my current school, we are 1-to-1 with iPads so Technology Station is super easy.  Some of my previous schools have only had a few desktop computers and others had a few laptops for students to use during Tech Time.  I also had a Smart Board at one of my school's and we had a Laptop Station and Smart Board Station - so lots of technology for everyone!  

Technology Station is another pretty easy station.  At my current school, we have a few different online programs that students use.  We practice our spelling words on Spelling City and use MobyMax and IXL for language and reading skill practice. So - the station pretty much takes care of itself.

Here is what the I can options are:
  • I can practice my vocab and spelling words on Spelling City.
  • I can work on MobyMax Reading.
  • I can work on the Language section in IXL.
At past schools, I created launch pages. Now this was a labor of love.  At one of my past schools, we used the Harcourt reading program.  So for each story, I would create a launch page.  On each launch page I had a few websites with games and practice that covered our skills for that particular week. For example, if the story focused on the phonics skill of short a - I found some games that had students working on that particular phonics skill. If we working on identifying character traits, I found some online practice with that particular skill. All of those websites would then be on the launch page for that particular story and the kids would work on it during Tech Time at stations.  As I mentioned, this was definitely a labor of love and took a long time. But, it did make life easier in the long run and could be used year to year.

If you have a Smart Board - check out my Smart Board Station ideas...here....

Thanks for reading all about my ideas for Technology Station.  Check back Thursday to see what I include in my Fluency Station.

Check out past Literacy Station blog posts:

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