01 January 2016

January Currently - 2016

I'm linking up with Farley for January's Currently.  2015 was an amazing year with many great events to be so thankful for.  I'm eager to see what 2016 has in store for us!  Hope your New Year is off to a wonderful start!

Listening: It's just me up and all I hear is the sound from the heater. I love quiet days like this!

Loving: So glad today is Friday and we still have 2 more days of break. I've enjoyed this winter break a lot and am not quite ready to go back to school yet :-).

Thinking: To Do List - I had quite the to do list for break and didn't make much of a dent in it. I got sucked into a Netflix binge session on How To Get Away with Murder (my new favorite show) and somehow cleaning didn't take priority over it.  So my to do list is still there, but there's always tomorrow, right?

Wanting: Motivation - I need to hit the gym and really make better eating choices which is why I am wanting motivation to help me do so.  A fresh start and a new year is the perfect time to do that.

Needing: More than 2 days - I always want longer breaks!

One Word: Determination - I am determined to make better choices this year (food, gym, sleep, etc) to help me be healthy!

Happy New Year everyone!

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  1. You sound just like me! I want more break days. I have lots to do for school. I got sucked into NetFlix...oh to have a break do over! Happy New Year!

  2. We have very similar 'wants' (I should have asked for motivation... that would totally help me out). Best of luck for 2016, and I hope that your one little word serves you well!

    Miss Galvin Learns

  3. I hear ya on the two more days but wanting more than 2 days! Enjoy them and you'll find that motivation :)
    Tales of Teaching in Heels

    1. It's funny how that works. I'm glad to have them, but I could always use more. Happy New Year!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  4. I am glad I found your blog. I am your newest follower and fellow second grade teacher. I have never taught first grade, but I have spent a few in third. I have taught second grade for while now and love it. Your word - determination is an awesome word to have in the New Year! Thanks for sharing!

    Teaching Tidbits and More with Jamie
