05 January 2016

2016 Resolutions

Today was our first day back and during Morning Meeting we came up with resolutions for 2016. We first read the cute story Squirrel's New Year's Resolution. I like this story because it explains what a resolution is in kid friendly language and gives some good examples.

Then, we discussed resolutions as a class and kids shared some ideas for their resolution. We talked about sentence starters like - "My goal is...." and "I resolve to..." After they wrote their resolution, they put it up on the chart that will be displayed in our classroom.

Here are a few examples...
Read at least one chapter book a week. I'm so proud of her coming up with this one since she tends to stick with picture books, but she's definitely very capable of reading chapter books.

My goal is to get as many AR awards - this kids on a roll with them already!

I resolve to make friends everywhere. Love this one!

Do you use resolutions in the classroom? What are some your students have come up with?

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