08 January 2016

Five for Friday - January 8

Well...we've survived the first week back!  It was a short one since we had training on Monday, but still felt long after the 2 week break. I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday - Link up here!

This week in Writing Workshop we started working on word choice. I started by showing the kids the first sentence "The dog ate." We talked about how it was a sentence, but it wasn't very interesting. Then, the kids and I worked together to come up with a few different ways to make it more exciting.  I was also so excited to see some kids taking what we had talked about and trying it in their own writing like my student example above. I love how she talked about "freshly bloomed, red rose petals," and the "big really poofy flower girl dress."  

We started multiplication this week! Boy were they excited! Something about multiplication is always a big deal in second grade. On Tuesday, we talked about multiplication as equal groups and showed how to model that. Students then played the game - Circles and Stars and/or Birds(eggs) in the. Students roll the dice once and that number is the number of groups they have (circles). Then, they roll again and that is the number in each group. Then, they count to find the total. 

On Wednesday we continued on in multiplication and began learning about arrays. I wanted to make it a little more interesting and was inspired by our CGI training on Monday, so I had them make arrays with Skittles. Immediately it was super exciting and the best activity ever they kept telling me.  Something about candy...

I'll try to not to show house pictures every time, but I'm super excited because framing has begun on the house Andy and I are building! Exciting to see it all go up! Come on April so we can move in!

This is a picture from New Year's Eve. Andy and I went to the Spazmatic's show - they're an 80's cover band. Quite a fun night and quite an entertaining crowd.

Hope everyone had a great first week back!

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