15 January 2016

Five for Friday - January 15

I'm linking up again with Doodle Bugs Five for Friday. Link up here!  So excited for the long weekend ahead! Check out what we've been up to below...

Contractions were our spelling/phonics focus this week. It's so funny to me that the kids were really good about coming up with the word that made the contraction, but had difficulty reading the word as a contraction. Something about that apostrophe throws them! We made this chart together and practiced reading all of the words a lot! It's starting to stick!

Our comprehension skill this week was comparing and contrasting characters. We read the story Yonder Mountain in our Journey's text and then created a double bubble (thinking maps), well more of a triple bubble map to find the similarities and differences. Later in the week, we read Strega Nona and the kids compared Big Anthony to Strega Nona.  They loved it!

Multiplication! Another exciting thing we've been working on in second grade. Last week we started this unit and have been focusing on building the conceptual understanding (with arrays, repeated addition, pictures) instead of just memorizing the facts.  The kids have done AMAZING! This week I even started giving them problems that were one digit multiplied by two digit like above and they rocked it! They really understand the concept of equal groups and have no fear when trying bigger problems. I am so proud of them and love seeing them try various strategies.

We worked on word choice again this week in Writing Workshop. Last week, we added on to sentences together. This week I gave kids the chance to work on their own sentences. I put up the basic sentence and then they had to make it more descriptive, specific, and interesting.  They had fun being quite creative!
This is a beautiful portrait of me from the back of a spelling test last week. My favorite part is that she captured my sunglasses on my head, which is where they always are!

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful 3 day weekend!

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  1. You have wipeable tables? Oh wow they look AMAZING! I want those so bad!!

    Teaching Autism

    1. Thank you! I love them! At first I was nervous, but if you wipe off the marker after use and use white board cleaner it looks good as new! The kids love writing on the table, which helps with keeping them engaged!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. I love the idea of writing on the table! I love the Thinking Maps...great lesson!

    1. Thank you Mrs. Clancy! The table is awesome! Have a great weekend!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun
