30 October 2015

Five for Friday - October 30

I'm linking up with Doodle Bug's Teaching for Five for Friday. So happy to have this Friday off for Nevada Day! Halloween Week for teachers is crazy! Link up with her here...

This week for Halloween we had a change of schedules and plans. We didn't do our typical Journey's story and Writing Workshop, we had Halloween Week. One of the activities we did was an opinion piece about "The Best Kind of Candy."  This can be found in Anna Brantley's Common Core All Year Long pack on TPT here. The kids had a blast and some of the reasons they came up with were quite good...especially for our first time writing opinions.

Next, we worked on researching bats. We used three resources: Brainpop video, Bats book by Lily Wood, and another book (normally I use the National Geographic Bats, but it somehow has gone missing :-().  We do this research together since this is the first informational paper we right in class. We watch or read one source and then added facts to our circle and tree map. I used different colors for the facts so the kids could tell what source the facts came from. Then, once all the research was complete they wrote an informational report about bats.

We had our Halloween party at school yesterday since we have today off for Nevada day. The pictures at the party all had cute little faces in it so I can't post those, but I do have one from our morning Just Dance Ghostbusters brain break.  The kids are allowed to wear costumes all day, which makes life interesting, but we did actually get some work done.  I love the cute fruit display with the pumpkin and the mummy waters! Parents are quite creative.

My teaching partner and I always dress up and we like to do a joint costume. Since there is just two of us this year we thought it would be great to do Koo Koo Kangaroo since the kids love the brain breaks so much. Here's a picture at recess (minus fanny pack and head band that were left in the classroom).

It was my husband's 32nd birthday on Tuesday.  We had a lovely dinner at Hank's Steakhouse...way too much food - but it was delicious!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween weekend!

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  1. I love the opinion writing idea! I will have to save that for next year - or maybe even next week's lesson after they trick or treat. Enjoy your Nevada Day off!

    1. Thank you Kelly! You should definitely do it - the kids love writing about candy!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. Wow - you've had a busy week! Love your Halloween party with the kids! Hope you had a nice meal for your hubbys birthday!

    Teaching Autism

    1. Thank you! It was a great party and a great bday celebration! Definitely relaxed this weekend after the crazy week! Hope you had a good weekend!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  3. Super busy, but fun week it looks like!! Have a relaxing weekend filled with R&R :)



    1. Thank you McKenzie! Was definitely a busy one!
      Hope you had a good weekend too!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun
