16 October 2015

Five for Friday - October 16

I'm back for another Five for Friday! Love this quick rundown of the week.  Link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching here!

I love teaching inferring! There are so many great ideas and activities to help make it concrete and great resources to help make it fun! We started off inferring about pictures on Monday and then on Tuesday we watched the Pixar clip "For the Birds." They thought the clip was hilarious and had a good time inferring about what was going on.

Later in the week, in addition to inferring about text (Charlie Anderson), we also made inferences about why I had certain items in purse.  They thought it was so cool to be able to see what was in the teacher's purse and some of their inferences for why I had it were pretty amusing.

All About Nouns - We've been working on nouns the last few weeks.  We began with basic noun info, the difference between common and proper nouns, and the difference between singular and plural nouns. Then, students completed Nouns Around the Room, which can be found in my TPT store here.  I love activities that get them up and moving and it's a great formative assessment!

This is a teeny, tiny sneak peek.  I love, love, love teaching math. Part of why I love teaching math is having had the wonderful opportunity to be CGI (Cognivitely Guided Instruction) trained.  I was trained in my old district a few years ago and my current school is going through training now.  I gave the problem above the other day and students solved them on their white boards. As I went around the room, I noticed at least 10 different strategies/ways to solve it.  And, they were all correct! I love that my students are able to think flexibly with numbers and they're not stuck in a box. I'm saving their awesome strategies for a little CGI weekly series post I'm planning on starting soon!

My husband is a huge, huge Cubs fan. And, he is ecstatic over their amazing win against Cardinals and advancement in the playoffs. Since he's a fan, I've slowly become one too and I have to admit the games are pretty exciting to watch! Excited to see them take on the Mets in the next round of the playoffs!  Go Cubs Go!

Have a great weekend!

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