27 July 2015

Monday Made-It - July 27

This is my first time linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made-It for this summer. Summer has been getting away from me and it's almost over :-(.  Be sure to link up with her here...
For this week's Monday Made-It, I just have one item.  This is my new bday gift for students. Over the years, I've done many different birthday gifts (as I'm sure many of you have to).  I used to do a birthday postcard and pencil, birthday crazy straw, etc.  This year I decided to simplify life and do a free homework pass. Now, I'm sure some of you're thinking Jordan this isn't rocket science...people have been doing this for years.  And, that's true. But, I'm finally jumping on the bandwagon.  So, I made up these cute homework passes to use as gifts for my students.  I'm going to put them in the cute buckets below from Michaels that I used to use for my bday crazy straws.
What do you use or give as birthday gifts for your students?

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  1. I usually give them a coupon that they pick out of the catalog. It could be for a seat at the teacher's desk, no homework, stinky feet, bring a stuffed animal to school. etc. Best part is that it's FREE.

    1. Hi Miss Nelson!
      That's a great idea! And, I love the free part. My first year I spent a lot of my own money on bday things and rewards. There are so many great free things you can give students and they tend to love them more! Thanks for sharing!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. I found some cute things in the Target Dollar Spot this year...my goal is to have everything bundled and ready at the beginning of the year!

    1. I love that Target Dollar Spot. That's a great way to get some good little goodies for the classroom! Thanks for stopping by!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  3. Last year I have a cookie jar full of scento markers and they got to pick one...which reminds me....I have none for this year:/ Love the homework pass! So glad you could link up:) Hope you can come back and do it again;)
    4th Grade Frolics

    1. Tara,
      Thank you for hosting the linky. Scento markers are a great idea! I'll have to remember that for next year!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  4. I usually have either a crazy straw or a fun pencil with a cute happy birthday sign attached that I give to my kiddos. Then I have a birthday display on the wall with cupcakes that have their name and birthday listed. They take those home at the end of the year, which they are always so excited about (not sure why, but it makes them happy:))
    Are We There Yet?

    1. Hey Janie!
      Love the crazy straw one. I did that the last few years and the kids enjoyed it. Funny how classroom décor (bday cupcakes, etc) is fun for the kiddos - if it makes them happy then why not? Thanks for stopping by!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  5. On the first day of school, my students decorate a white paper lunch sack with their name and birth date. When their big day comes, I hang the bag on the board. All the other students make cards and write notes to their friend. The student takes the bag home to read his cards in private. Once the first child gets a bag, the kids get real excited about doing the birthday bag routine.(I do a quick preview before I seal up the bag for the day because once I had a student write several mean notes)

    1. That's a great idea! I'll have to add that in. Thank you for sharing!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun
