28 July 2015

Pick a Prompt - New Lit Station Idea

So I was trying to think of some ways to update my writing station and I came up with "Pick a Prompt." In addition to the other writing station tasks (writing a list, comic, story, card, letter), I thought it would be fun to come up with prompts that fit the different points in the school year and that could be changed out to keep it fresh so kids don't get bored.  This is also great practice for responding to a prompt which is a skill all kids need to know how to do with standardized testing. 
My first version is for Back to School. I tried to make the prompt questions fun and interesting and also covered a variety of topics (books, specials, recess (a student favorite)).  These prompts are a great way for you to get to know your kids and your kids to get to know each other. 
Here's what they look like...

I'm planning on using this as a task option at the Writing Station during Literacy Stations. These also could be used whole group. You could have all students respond to the same prompt and then share out. You could also give each student a different prompt card, have them respond, and again share out. 
I also provided three different writing response pages.  Two of them have pictures (different sizes) and one does not. The one without pictures could be used for students who don't like to draw, if you want them to focus only on the writing, and it could also be used as an additional page if they need more than one pages when responding.

Check these out in my TPT Store - Pick a Prompt - Back to School

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