01 July 2015

July Currently

I'm linking up with Farley for her July Currently.  2 posts in 2 days - I'm starting to get the hang of this blog thing again!  Can't believe June is gone, but looking forward to a fun, relaxing, productive July.
Listening: Another Law and Order SVU Marathon on USA.  I'm finding these are on most days lol.
Loving: I love, love, love summer.  We don't report back until August 10 so I'm excited that will still have about a month and a half left!
Thinking: I'm thinking about what to wear and where to get dinner reservations before the Kenny Chesney concert on Friday.  My husband and I saw him 2 years ago in Vegas and are so excited to see him again Friday. He puts on an amazing show!
Wanting: We just got back from a week long honeymoon to Riveria Maya Mexico. I miss it. I miss the beach, listening to the ocean, the delicious food, the bottomless drinks and all the fun things the all-inclusive had.  I could've used a few more days there.
Needing: So, my July project is reorganizing and cleaning out our apartment. We moved in last year in August which is when school started, so there are boxes that were just put in a closet (no clue what's in them). We also are very lucky to have many new items from our wedding registry.  I need to do some major organization and cleaning and get this place ready so upkeep will be easy once school starts.
All Star: Planning - I love to plan.  I love to plan for school (working on long-range plans now), planning the wedding, and the honeymoon. While two of those things are over, I feel like I did a pretty successful job on both and just love to have a plan - each day and every day!
Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to link up with Farley!
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  1. Hey Jordan! I feel your pain with the boxes. We recently bought our house, moved in, and got married...all while we were both working! And on top of that I'm switching grades this year, so I MUST get through all of my teaching boxes to sort through what I need and what I need to store! Enjoy July!
    Enchanting Elementary

    1. That is a lot all at one time! Good luck with the boxes!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  2. Don't you just love a good Kenny Chesney concert?! I've been to so many, I have lost count. But I do know the best ever was in Raleigh when he rode the gator in the parking lot! I have a photo with me & him for proof!
    We went to Mexico for our 15th wedding anniversary & I would love to go back for our 25th! Let's see, I have one and a half years to save!
    Enjoy your summer!

    1. I know - he's amazing! One of the best concerts I've ever seen! Mexico is perfect for an anniversary too - hopefully we'll go back someday!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  3. Omgeee I love Kenny Chesney! I'm a Nashville girl so he has a special place in my heart. Have a great time at the concert!

    1. Thank you! He is amazing in concert! One of the best concerts I've seen!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  4. Sounds like fun! I love Kenny Chesney! I am jealous! :) I am hosting a linky party next week! I just posted all about it! Hopefully you can stop by my blog and join!


    Bits of First Grade
