30 June 2015

I'm Back...

I know it has been forever since I've blogged, but I'm back and have many ideas and new products I'm excited to share in the next few weeks!  The past few months have been crazy.  With the end of school, wedding, and honeymoon - time has flown by!
On a personal note, I'm super excited to share a few wedding pictures here.  Andy and I got married June 12 in AZ and it was perfect. I wouldn't have done anything differently, just wish the day could've lasted longer!

We then went on our honeymoon last week to Riveria Maya Mexico. We stayed at the Valentin Imperial Resort. It was gorgeous.  We had an amazing time.  Here are a few pictures below...

I will now get back to blogging educational things - just had to show what I've been up to the last few months.  Excited to be back in the blogging world!

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