17 July 2015

Five for Friday - July 17

I'm linking up again with Doodlebug's Five for Friday.  Link up with her here...
Last weekend I was able to go to NBA Summer League at UNLV's Thomas and Mack Arena.  My husband, Andy coaches Findlay Prep and two of their former players, Chris Wood (Houston Rockets) and Rashad Vaughn (Milwaukee Bucks) were playing.  So cool to see those two guys living out their NBA Dreams. 

Now that the house is semi-organized and the wedding gifts are put away, I got to use my new Kitchen Aid Mixer for the first time. It was so easy - I see why everyone loves them. I made some yummy peanut butter Hershey kiss cookies. 


I finally have joined the e-reader generation.  I'm probably one of the last people to do it, but I know have a Kindle.  I'm looking for any book suggestions, so please comment below....

I got some new goodies from Lakeshore Learning.  The store is like Target for teachers. I always go in planning to buy one thing and come out with like 20.  I got some new colorful borders for my classroom and also these file folder games. I thought the games would be perfect to use in math stations and they were on sale!

So excited to see Trainwreck tonight.  It looks so funny. Anyone else seeing it this weekend?

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Link up with Kacey here...

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  1. I make my Kiss cookies with chocolate chip cookie dough. I know, weird. I have a Nook... best thing is it is SO easy to get cheap books. You're gonna love it. See you around. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

    1. Oh that's a great idea! I'll have to try it with chocolate chip cookie dough. Sounds delicious! Thanks for stopping by!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  2. Those cookies look amazing! I'm getting hungry just looking at the picture. ha!

    I still have yet to join the e-reader generation, but my sister has a Kindle and loves it. It's definitely more convenient and saves money and space if you read a lot. A lot of other teachers seem to be reading The Girl on the Train, Go Set a Watchman, and The Nightingale this summer.

    So jealous of your Lakeshore visit! I've only ordered from the catalog before, but I would love to go to the actual store. No Lakeshore in the Caribbean, but I'm hoping to go to one when I take a trip to the U.S. soon!

    Teaching in the Tropics

    1. Hey Kristi!
      Thanks for stopping by! I'll add those books to my list. I've heard great things about Girl on the Train too. Too bad about no Lakeshore, but it'll help save some money lol.

      Have a good weekend!
      Team V's Second Grade Fun
