20 July 2015

Name Change...

Since getting married in June I've been going through the lovely name change process.  Don't get me wrong, I was very excited to take my husband's name and become Mrs. Johnson - just the waiting in line and dealing with all the government organizations was not a fun part of my summer plans. Now that I've dealt with the Social Security office and the dreaded DMV, it's time to get my name updated on everything.
I originally started this blog as Team V's 1st Grade Fun because I love sports.  I had a whole Phoenix Suns theme in my classroom and the team part just made sense.  As I  moved to Vegas and began teaching 2nd grade, I continued with a basketball theme (no Phoenix Suns or pro NBA team in Vegas) and changed to Team V's 2nd Grade Fun to fit my new grade level.  Now as I'm changing my name and am at a different school the basketball theme has gone away. However, I'm a big sports fan.  My husband actually coaches a prep high school basketball team. As I've spent the last few weeks contemplating what to do with my blog name since I no longer have the sports theme in my classroom and my last name no longer begins with V, I've come to this...

Team J's 2nd Grade Fun...

I know...not a huge change, however teaching is a team sport in it's own way.  My classroom is like my team.  Each year I have new players and each year we work our way through the season/school year.  I also feel like a part of a team with teachers - every teacher through my own school, TPT, blogs, Instagram, etc we're all on the same team.  So, that's why I decided to not make any huge change and keep the team a part of my blog name because it fits in with what all of us do.

Thank you for reading through my rambling and thought process as I've gone from Miss Veenstra to Mrs. Johnson!

Have a great Monday!

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