02 November 2014

November Currently

I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for November Currently.  Can't believe how fast October went and November and December are going to fly by even faster! 

Listening: Who doesn't love Sunday night chores??  Trying to get laundry done and ready for the week.

Loving:  Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year and I'm so excited that it's almost time to start decorating. Seeing all of the holiday stuff out at the stores has put me in the holiday spirit early!

Thinking:  I'm very lucky to be heading to Florida for a Differentiated Instruction Forum at one our sister schools.  I'm super excited to go, but I keep thinking about all of the things I need to do before I leave.  3 days of Sub plans...

Wanting: We had a 3 day weekend (Friday off for Nevada Day).  I could so use another day or two.  For some reason, the longer weekends seem to move even quicker.

Needing:  That to do list is super long.  Between school, wedding planning, holiday season, and basketball season starting there is always a lot to do on that list. I feel like it's hard to make a dent in it and it keeps getting longer each day.

Reading: I have a pile of books that I didn't get to this summer. Unfortunately, I'm still not getting to them now lol.  Maybe over winter break??

Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to link up with Farley!

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  1. I just finished my Sunday night chores too! Enjoy FL I love it there! Be sure and eat good the food is great!

  2. Congrats on your wedding planning - sounds like quite a list to tackle.

    It is funny, I did Sat. chores & Sun. has been out & about for me today!

    I do not envy the 3 days of sub plans, but I hope you enjoy your conference & get lots of useful info. on Differentiated Instruction.

  3. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! That is definitely a lot to do! Good luck.

    I didn't have a long weekend, but I could certainly use a few more days off! ha ha...

    Have fun at your conference! I'm sure those making those sub plans will be worth it-but I know what you mean about it being a pain to write them!!
    I know this is going to sound lame-because I know there are a lot of schools in Henderson, and I have no idea what district you are in, but my old principal used to be a principal out there. Any chance you know Sharon Popolo?

    Thrills in Third Grade

  4. I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! Copy and paste the link to find out what to do next:


