19 November 2014


I've been a horrible blogger as of late, but I'm trying to get myself back in the habit of blogging.
Today I want to share with you a website that is awesome for homework and could also be used for quizzes.  I was introduced to TenMarks in August.  My new school uses it for a few different things, but mainly for online math homework. I love, love, love this site!  And, the best part of all is it's FREE!  They do have a paid subscription part as well, but the free items work perfectly!
Here's how it works....
First, you log in and set up your teacher account. Then, you create your class and add your students. Each student will have their own log-in and password so they can access it in class or at home.
Then, you create assignments!  The nice thing about this the assignments are tied to the Common Core Standards.  (We don't use Common Core at my school, but you can find activities based on standards or topics).  You can even preview the assignments before you give it! 
When you go to create assignment, you can choose to assign to your whole class or can give an assignment to select students (perfect for differentiation).

 Assignments can be picked looking at topics or Common Core Standards.
Once you give the assignment it shows up on each student's page when they log in.  A perk for students is that it does offer hints and also has videos to show skills that they maybe don't understand or need a quick review on.  It also allows you to correct your mistakes after the initial assignment is completed.
As a teacher I like that it provides students with online work practice.  Many assessments and things in life have gone to online so it's good for kids to be familiar with how to answer questions online.  It also provides me instant results and I don't even have to grade it! It grades it for me.  In addition to results, it shows me the child's score, the time they took to complete it, and also breaks down areas where students struggled in a lovely chart.  See below...
Quick info that shows how your class did as a whole.
More class info.... (it gives individual info too, but to protect student privacy I didn't get a picture of that part).
It even breaks down the Top 3 Mistakes that students had.
So, if you haven't checked out TenMarks - check it out! It's free and a great way to give homework.  In second grade, we have math homework 4 days a week and we use TenMarks 1-2x per week depending on what we're covering.
Anyone else use TenMarks? Let me know what you like about it in the comments.

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