29 October 2014

Learning About Bats

I can't believe it's been an entire month since I last posted. I keep wanting to blog about different things we're doing in the classroom, but time has been flying by! So, I'm trying to get back on the blogging bandwagon now...
The last 2 days we've been researching and learning about bats.  We read two informational books about bats and also watched a Brainpop video on bats. 

Then, we used a tree map to keep track of our research information.  We used the format  Bats - can, have, and are...

After completing the tree maps, the kids started writing their All About Bats paper that I got from Anna Brantley's Common Core - Writing All Year Long 2nd Grade. I love this packet and have used it for many different things!
Below is a kiddo who I am super proud of. This student doesn't enjoy reading and writing and often turns in writing assignments with one or two sentences.  He filled up the first page (written beautifully and well) and is now on page 3. He was so excited to write about bats he wanted to keep going! I love it!

Thanks for stopping by to see what we've done with bats. I promise to try to be better about blogging regularly.

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