02 June 2014

June Currently

Wow! How is it June?  And, thank goodness it's June at that!  I have 3 more days of school left.  2 days with kids and one for teachers....boy am I ready for summer.  I've linked up with Farley for June Currently.  Be sure to link up with her here.
 Listening: I haven't fully gotten into this season of the Bachelorette, but I'm hoping to watch the episodes I missed on DVR and then go from there.

Loving: Only 3 more days until summer begins! 2 more days with my sweet kiddos, one teacher work day, and then I'm free for the summer!

Thinking: Projects- I have many TPT projects started, almost finished, etc that I need to finish. I also have new project and ideas for the classroom that I've been thinking about and need time to get started on.

Wanting: To jump into wedding planning. My fiancĂ© and I are getting married  next June.  We have a venue and a date, but I've been waiting for school to finish up to get started on everything else...and I can't wait....I'm so excited.  Especially after we went to his sister's beautiful wedding this weekend.  Now, I'm raring to go and get planning!

Needing: Sleep. The end of the year and the beginning of the year are always so rough on teachers. I'm always tired, but I lay in bed each night thinking of everything I need to do or try to remember to do to pack up the classroom and get the school year wrapped up.

Summer Bucket List:
1. Wedding plan - getting ahead on as many things as possible while I'm not working in the summer.
2. Trips - we have some trips and staycations planned - some much needed relaxation
3. School Projects - I'm already ready to get moving on things for next year. Can't wait to start linking back up with Monday Made It, now that I actually have time to make something.

Here are a few pictures from my fiancé's sister's wedding in Tucson this past weekend. We had an amazing time. Can't wait for our own wedding next summer!





  1. Great post!! I'm the poster after you in the lind up!

    I watched the Bachelorette too. Well, it was on and making noise! And congrats on your upcoming wedding! June is a beautiful month to get married! My husband and I will celebrate 11 years on the 14th.

    Good luck in your last couple of days with kids. My kids and I got out before Memorial day. Tomorrow is hub's last day. Happy summer!!!

    Music a la Abbott

    1. Hi Amy,
      Thank you for the good luck wishes. Only 2 days to go now so I'm on the home stretch! Congrats on your 11 year anniversary coming up. I think June will be great too! Hope you're enjoying summer. Thank you for stopping by!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  2. Good luck with your wedding planning! Isn't funny that as teachers our school won't even be over yet and we are already planning for next year...lol. Hoping your last few days of school fly by!

    Amanda :)
    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

    1. Thank you Mrs. Pauley! Yes, teachers are funny about that. We're always thinking of new ways to do things for the next year. Hope you have a good summer!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  3. Congrats on the upcoming wedding! I am sure that planning will take up a lot of your summer! Isn't funny how we always forget just how tiring the end of the school year is?

    Teacher at Heart

    1. Thank you for the well wishes with wedding planning. Yes, that end of the year exhaustion always sneaks up on you! Hope you have a good summer!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun
