06 June 2014

Moving On and Advice Needed....

So, I'm excited to announce that I will be moving schools again this summer.  I will still be in the Vegas area, but will be teaching at a school in Henderson.  Still second grade, but I will be leaving public school and moving to private. I'm very excited for this change and to be finding a school that is a great fit for me as a teacher and person. 
Since I've taught public school for 7 years and this is my first time venturing into private, I'm asking for advice from any private school teachers out there.  What did you like? What advice would you give a newbie private school teacher?  This school is not religiously affiliated, but I would love advice from anyone whose taught private school - no matter what kind!  Please comment below!
Thanks in advance for advice. I look forward to learning more about the private school sector!

Happy Friday and Happy 1st day of summer for me and many others.  For those who have a few more days/weeks to go, hang in there!

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