
March Currently and Measurements Task Cards

Hard to believe today is the first day of March.  Feels like February flew by.  Here's hoping the next 63 days of school fly by too.  I'm definitely in spring fever mode and ready for summer!  Since it is March, I'm linking up with Farley for March Currently.  Be sure to link up with Farley at her blog Oh' Boy 4th Grade.

Listening: I'm catching up on my Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on DVR.  Anyone else love watching this drama?  I know these shows are bad for you, but they are pretty entertaining.
Loving: Wow, what a great sale TPT had.  I know I stocked up on a number of things and am excited to start creating some new products with them.
Thinking: I need to start spring cleaning. I don't want to do spring cleaning, but I need to.  I brought home all of my reading files and am hoping to organize them into binders and clean out the stuff I haven't used in years.  Here's hoping I get this project going today.
Wanting: More time in the day. I know everyone wants this, but I've been feeling pulled lately. I have lots of things I want to get done and good intentions of getting them done then time and other things get in the way.
Needing: I have to get back on track with working out. I have good starts and then those taper off. My goal is to get going this weekend and start March off on a good foot.
Answer: try to figure out the question that goes along with my answer - Dulce de Leche.
And...I finally have a new product in my TPT store.  I used these Comparing Measurements Task Cards with my kids during our measurement unit and it worked perfectly.  It was hands on, had them measuring actual items in the classroom, and then comparing those measurements.  I also love that student choice is involved. Students got to pick 4 task cards and they could choose which ones they wanted to complete. Here are a few pictures of them working on measurement:

Check out my Comparing Measurements Task Cards in my TPT store, here.
Hope everyone is enjoying their first day of March!


  1. Hi Jordan - I love finding new second grade blogs! I found you through Farley's Currently. I am soo jealous you have 10 fewer days left of school than me. Your measurement task cards look great. I am going to guess that Dulce de leche is your favorite dessert to make? ~ Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa! I love finding new 2nd grade ones too! I'll head over to check out yours in a minute. You're very close - it does have to do with dessert - the question was - What's your favorite cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory?

      Hope you had a good weekend!

      Team V's First Grade Fun

  2. Real Housewives is definitely not bad for you. There are lots of life lessons to be learned by watching the show. For instance, what not to say after drinking heavily or how not to stab a friend in the back. I'm watching the marathon of NY right now. :)
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Thank you Alison! I appreciate you agreeing with me that Real Housewives isn't too horrible for you. I'm excited to see the new season of NY.

      Hope you had a good rest of your weekend!

      Team V's First Grade Fun
