
Five for Friday - February 28, 2014

Wow...where did February go?  Crazy to think that March starts tomorrow!! I'm linking up today with Doodle Bug's Five for Friday.  Be sure to link up with her blog here...

This week in Math, we learned how to add 3 digit numbers.  Here's our anchor chart we created to show our various strategies...

We also worked on three digit subtraction.  We started with place value strategy and then some students wanted to learn break apart.  I love all of these kiddos being excited about learning new strategies.


In Writing, we finished up our President Reports.  We researched George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and Barack Obama.  Here's one of the kids working on their Abe Lincoln report. I didn't get a chance to snap a picture of their finished All About Presidents book, but they turned out great!

In reading, we worked on standard RL.2.4 - looking at words and phrases in poems, songs, rhymes, etc.  I used have fun teaching's RL.2.4 packet and her response page for poems along with some rhymes I typed up.  The kids did an awesome job finding the rhyming words, repeating phrases, creating a mental image, and deciding what the rhyme was about.  Check out have fun teaching's packet here.


In writing station, my kids love to make cards and notes for friends and family.  Here are two sweet notes I received....  these are the moments when you remember why you teach!

Be sure to link up with Doodle Bug!

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