05 January 2014

January Currently

This is my first time linking up with Farley for her monthly Currently.  Be sure to link up at her site here...

Listening: I'm currently listening to some Law and Order SVU on their usual Sunday USA Marathon while I'm attempting to get ready, clean, and get some work done.
Loving: This past weekend I got to go to Phoenix to catch up with friends and also see my fiancĂ©'s team play two games in a tournament in Scottsdale, which they won both. It was so great catching up with my friends from my old school and from Phoenix. 
Thinking: I really should do school work, but I really don't want to.  Anyone else having this issue on the last Sunday before break?
Wanting: More days for break.  I feel like every weekend flies by and even when you have two weeks off those seem to fly by too.  I could use a few more days to get ready for going back now that I'm done traveling for break.
Needing: Motivation - I need some motivation to get going on work stuff and to get motivated for getting back into work mode. I'm also needing to find some motivation for the gym.  I'm thinking an upcoming wedding will help with that motivation :-).
Tradition: Every Christmas when we were kids, my parents would have most gifts wrapped under the tree, but then Santa would give us a Christmas Scavenger hunt with clues that lead to many wonderful gifts - Tike House, Barbie Motorhome, iPod, etc...  Since this is our last Christmas in my parent's house, they planned one last one for my sister and I - even though we are 23 and 28.  It was pretty fun and pretty difficult.  The clues were much easier when we were kids.
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday! Be sure to link up with the January Currently!


  1. Love the idea of a Christmas scavenger hunt! I am wanting more holiday time as well! Have a great day back! Found you on Farley's linky.

    The Reading Corner

    1. Hi Renee,
      Thanks for stopping by! I'm heading over to check out your blog in a minute. I think we could all use more breaks lol. Hope you've had a good first few days back.

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  2. Motivation, I wish you could buy it in a spray bottle! It doesn't help that I have two of my favorite shows on tonight to watch (The Bachelor and Downton Abbey). The holidays went by way too fast, can't even believe that the New Year is here! Good luck to you in 2014!

    Found your blog through Currently! Would love for you to head over and check out my blog…
    If You Give a Teacher a Treat

    1. I love your spray bottle idea! The things we'd all be able to get done if motivation could come that easily sometimes :-).

      Thanks for stopping by! I've seen your blog before and will head over to see the updated posts!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! I think Law and Order SVU is ALWAYS on! Always! I love it!

    Halfway There

    1. Thanks for visiting mine too! It is always on...always a good show especially when there is nothing else on the other channels.

      Team V's Second Grade Fun
