15 January 2014

Some Geometry Ideas - 2.G.2

Well I had this great post about everything we did the first week back and then the internet went down, it didn't save, and I lost it.  I was so frustrated the other day that I'm not posting some of those neat activities until now.  I will do better with  my resolution about blogging, but it'll take a bit to get back into things after the craziness of trying to get back into school mode.

Last week we worked on the Geometry standard - 2.G.2 - where students have to partition/divide rectangles into smaller shapes.

The kids loved the introductory lesson.  I got a packet from The Common Core Creations on TPT called 2.G.2 Activity Pack.   I highly recommend her packet.  On the first day of teaching this standard we did the first lesson called "Cover Up." Students had a large size rectangle and square and had to cover it up.  Now, the fun part of this and the part all the kids love and will remember is we didn't use tiles, we used Cheeze-It's like the packet suggested.  Anytime you give the kids food to work with engagement always seems to occur.  Here are a few pictures of this activity...

Then, we made a new Geometry vocab book. In this book, we wrote the definitions and drew pictures/examples for the words - row, column, equal, partition, and divide.

Then, later in the week, we did another great activity.  I got this activity from K-5 Teaching Resources (a great website with lots of math lesson ideas and games).  There were 25 different rectangles/squares and I labeled each with a different letter for tracking purposes.  Then, I made my own recording sheet where students could record their results.  Students then picked a rectangle and filled it with tiles.  After filling it, they wrote down the number of rows, columns, and how many tiles total filled their shape.  They had a great time with this activity!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! Only 2 more days until a long weekend!

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