31 December 2013

Thirteen in 13

So I've been very MIA from the blogging and TPT world lately, but that is one of my resolutions for 2014 to work on that. The holiday season and many other events came up and it seemed there wasn't much time for blogging, but I'm back.  I decided to join in on the Thirteen in 13 Linky Party to wrap up what was a wonderful year and have a chance to reflect back on it before starting those fun resolutions.  Be sure to link up here.

Here are my top 13 memories from 2013

#1 - Getting engaged.  My wonderful boyfriend now fiancé popped the question in December right before Christmas. We're so excited to start a wonderful life together!

#2 - Visiting Chicago - I had never been and got to go this summer and see the city and all of it's wonderful tourist sites.

#3 - Starting my own store on TPT - I have a long way to go, but I've had fun creating my own projects to share with others.  Check out my store here.

#4 - Beach Trip - Before school started, we took a road trip to Santa Monica and got some much needed R&R beach time in.


#5 -  Moved to Las Vegas this summer to be in the same city as my boyfriend (fiancé) - no more long distance for us!

#6 - Along with the move came packing up at my classroom at the school I began teaching at and giving up my big, big classroom - worked there 6 years.
#7 - Moving in to a much smaller portable to teach 2nd grade in Las Vegas.  Love teaching 2nd grade, but wish I had a bigger classroom.

#8 - Kenny Chesney Concert at the Hard Rock Hotel - he puts on a great show!
#9 - Staying at the Bellagio - I've always, always, always wanted to stay here and my fiancé surprised me with a stay at the beautiful Bellagio hotel as a part of our engagement/Christmas present. This is the view of the water show from our room...
#10 - Decorating both basketball dorm houses for Christmas - I love decorating for Christmas so when I had the chance to decorate for the team my fiancé coaches, I jumped on it!


#11 - Spending holidays with family. We got to spend Christmas with his family in Tucson and then I got to fly to Boise to spend a 2nd Christmas with my family. So glad that the holiday season could be spent with them.  No pictures yet...
#12 - Maroon 5 Concert for New Year's Eve - another Christmas surprise.  No pictures of this either since it'll take place tonight.  Maroon 5 is one of my absolute favorite bands and I'm so excited to see them tonight on New Year's Eve!
#13 - Looking forward to a great 2014 - again, no pictures yet, but I have so much to be thankful for in 2013 and can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us and to begin wedding planning!
2014 resolutions are coming tomorrow. Can't wait to see everyone else's great events from 2013. 


  1. I love the beach, haven't been there in a long while. Your ring is beautiful!
