01 January 2014

2014 New Year's Resolutions

I'm linking up with Jessica at First Grade Nest to share my resolutions for 2014.  Make sure to join the linky party here so we can see everyone's great goals!

Here are my goals...
Here are some more goals for 2014...
Continue to search for and create creative lessons that fit with Common Core to keep students engaged.
Blog 3 times a week consistently and try to create a new TPT project once a month and hopefully more once I get back on a roll with it.
Get into better shape.  I just got engaged and like most brides would like to be in better shape for the wedding and just in general.  I've got about a year and a half until we get married, but would like to start now so I can feel better and more fit. So, my goal with this one is to work out 3-4 times a week and start taking more classes at the gym to keep me on track.
I want to get organized with a lot of things in life. I want my house to be organized so cleaning takes less time and also want to organize my finances better with a budget so I can save more money.
Stress. I'm sure most people would like to give this one up lol.  I won't be able to give up all stress, but I'd like to work on not stressing so much over things I have no control of.
Start running again.  I'm not a huge runner, but had fun running when I took it back up a few years ago. I'd really love to get started with it again and be able to run for  half hour without feeling like I'm going to pass out.

Make sure you link up and Happy New Year! Hope everyone's 2014 is off to a wonderful start!

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