31 October 2013

Analyzing Characters - Part 3

I love, love, love teaching literary elements. We've continued to work on analyzing characters the last few weeks and below are a few lessons I've done with my 2nd graders.

Another great character book is No David.  We read the story together in class and they created a bubble map describing David.

Next up on the reading list, we read Strega Nona. This is a great book for characters and for comparing and contrasting the two main characters, Strega Nona and Big Anthony.  We read the story, completed a bubble map for each character, and then the students had to write down one of the traits and provide text evidence for the trait.

Class Completed Bubble Maps
Student Bubble Map on Big Anthony

I love this one - Big Anthony was sad because he had to eat all the pasta.

And, the most recent story we used was Chester's Way.  After reading, we created a circle map for all of the characters.  We used stars or little clouds to show which characters were the main characters.  Then, students picked the main character that they were most like and told why.

I am like Chester because I like to rake the leaves.

Chester's Way Character Circle Map - Lilly, Wilson, and Chester starred because they are the main characters.

Love this one - I am like Lilly because I do things my way.
Sorry I've been MIA for awhile. We had report cards and conferences this week and getting ready for that took some time since I'm new to the school and district!  Almost done though - only 3 conferences left! I promise to be a better blogger :-).

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