01 November 2013

Feeling the Love

Yesterday I was feeling the love at school. I love how second graders are at the age where they are independent, but they still love school and love their teacher. Yesterday I was lucky enough to receive 3 beautiful creations from students.  See below...

A beautiful and labeled pumpkin for Halloween

Another sweet note

And my favorite - Woody is one of the newer students in my classroom and he wrote me a story titled "Ms. Veenstra the Princess."  It goes like this - The princess was sad. She was sad because she wanted to have a student named Woody. And one day one went there. And they were happy together. The end.
These moments and little gifts like this remind you why you go into teaching. And, on a long week like this with conferences and Halloween, it is just what I needed. I love how sweet my kiddos are and they are too funny sometimes with the things they come up with!

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