11 November 2016

Five for Friday - November 11

So we might be the only school (probably not, but might be) that has school today on Veteran's Day. We also had school on Election Day. But, that's ok because we have all of Thanksgiving week off, which is quickly approaching.  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Here's what we've been up to...

This is an activity in my vocabulary station. It's called Vocab Flip Books.  Students pick four of our vocabulary words and write them, draw a picture to represent the word, write the definition, and use the word in a sentence. Quick way to review vocabulary and an easy task in Vocabulary Station.

Our school made cards for Veteran's for today.  Here is one very sweet note from one of my kiddos! Definitely warms my heart to see how compassionate these kids are.  

Oh field trips..how I despise thee.  For some reason, I've never been a fan of field trips. I think it's because I'm a Type A control freak and there are so many things that are out of your control on a field trip. Anyways, we had our first one on Tuesday.  After I hardly slept on Monday night. And, let's just say a planetarium is not a good field trip for a tired teacher. That dark room would've been lovely for a nap...not that I took one :-).  But it would've been nice.

It's Charlotte's Web time! I love this time of year. We always do Charlotte's Web right before Thanksgiving break.  It's such a nice break from our typical story in our Journey's book and the kids love it! Can't wait to finish it with them next week.

One of my coworkers and I put up this bulletin for our Writing PLC. It shows the progression of writing from preschool all the way through 8th grade. Pretty amazing to see the changes that take place in their writing throughout the years. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. That writing progression board is amazing! Our district has been working to plan more across grade levels. I'm not a huge fan of field trips, either. I usually have fun once we're on our way, but I stress about it beforehand. I hope you had a good day!
    Laughter and Consistency

    1. Hi Jan!
      Thank you! Turned out very well. I totally understand the stress before field trips. It does get better on it, but I still worry. Hope you have a good weekend!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. We don't have Veteran's Day off either, but I'm sooo jealous that you have the whole week off for Thanksgiving! Charlotte's Web is one of my all time favorites! Our students just got finished reading Beacause of Winn Dixie. Having books like these makes it so much easier to get students interested in reading.

    Chevron and Crayons

    1. Hi Erin!
      Because of Winn Dixie is a great book too! That would also make an excellent class book study! Have a good weekend!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  3. What a great idea the writing progression board is...love it!

  4. I love our Planetarium field trip but I have done it for 13 years! I do agree that those comfy chairs and the dark, starry sky? ZZZZZZZ
    Lori @
    Outside of My Classroom

  5. Love the writing progression display ! Our district is focusing on writing this year. I'll have to share your display with them. We are a Journeys school also and it's always good to step away from the book for a bit. Thanks for sharing!
