08 November 2016

Quick Tip - Snacks in the Classroom

I have quick tip for you today. If your students eat a group snack in the classroom, this tip may come in handy. In my class, students may bring their own snack or may have one of the snacks that has been donated by parents.  I sometimes offer two choices (and I feel a bit like a waitress), but often try to offer one.  I found it quite messy at times and it got to be expensive buying little paper plates and cups all the time to hand out their snack. One day I got a brilliant idea - coffee filters! They are cheap, but make a nice little bowl for students to hold their snack in. And, it makes a little less mess crumb-wise too.

Trust me...we do not have Oreos every day.  We had some leftover after our class party.  

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