27 September 2016

Writing Workshop Conferences

Cue the "AHA" moment! So, as I've mentioned in a few of my Five for Friday posts I have been loving using Writing Workshop Units of Study again. While I have always done WW model in my classroom, we just now got Lucy Calkin's materials to use (which I used a few years ago at another school) and I'm loving it. The kids are too! They are making connections left and right which makes my teacher heart happy!

So, the one difficulty I ran into was that everyone wanted to talk with me and show me their story every day.  I have 19 kids. We have 15-20 minutes of writing time. This wasn't working. I couldn't effectively meet with everyone and some kids felt like they were never meeting with me.

So...duh...duh...duh - this schedule below was born!
This has been a lifesaver! It took me a few minutes to whip up and in the last week I already see a difference. While some kids still want to talk with me every day, they now know what their scheduled day is. This way I'm able to see everyone during the week. It also led to more quality conversations. I love being able to meet with them one-on-one, see what they're working on, and talking about positives and things they can improve on.  

If you are a Writing Workshop teacher, I highly recommend you give the schedule a try!! Happy conferencing!

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