23 September 2016

Five for Friday - September 23

It's finally Friday again!!! I'm back linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday to show you what I've been up to this week...

Cutest bucketfilling note ever! This student is so sweet and his note made my day! Even teacher need their buckets filled :-)

We've been having some issues with students not treating each other kindly and some who have been rude to other students and adults.  I found this while searching Pinterest on from Corkboard Connections.  Julia Cook was a guest blogger with some great ideas. See them here. I tried out her toothpaste idea this week after reading a book about bullies. The toothpaste activity is quick and pretty much you or a student squeezes out all of the toothpaste and then discuss can you get the toothpaste back in the container.  You can't. Which is much like our words. Once they're out...they're out.  You can't get them back. This prompted a great discussion about making sure we think before we speak and that we always speak kindly.  Loved this idea!!

We finished up our subtraction strategies this week. This went a lot quicker as they were pretty much the same as the addition strategies, but we were just using them to subtract. It's always interesting to me every year how difficult subtraction is for kiddos.  Especially regrouping! Do you notice this with your students too?
To prepare for our first Friday Fix It Morning Message (where students have to edit and correct the sentence on a sticky note), we did group Fix It for our Morning Meeting Activity on Wednesday. Students had to work together to correct the four sentences.  The focus this week was capitals and as the year goes on it will continue to build and they'll start looking for more things when editing. They did great working together on this!
I am beyond pumped about my new blog design! I did already blog about it on Monday, but I had to give another shout out to Jolene Ray at Paisley N' Polka Dot designs. I couldn't be happier with how it turned out and she was wonderful to work with! I would recommend her to anyone looking for a blog update or help with Facebook and TPT images!

Have a wonderful weekend! I'm heading to much cooler weather in Utah this weekend! Hoping I don't freeze!