30 September 2016

Five for Friday - September 30

Where oh where did September go?? It seemed to fly by! Fall is sort of here in Vegas and tomorrow is the first day of October! It'll be Christmas before we know it.  I'm linking up with Doodle Bug's Five for Friday to show you what I've been up to this week!

We've been working hard on and continuing to practice our addition strategies. During Math Stations yesterday, I pulled back some of my kiddos that get it and challenged them with some larger problems.  They did awesome! Love seeing them apply our strategies to problems of any size!

In Writing Workshop this week, students worked together to peer edit each other's papers using our narrative checklist. They take this so seriously and I love that their feedback has been right on! This group is really in the swing of Writing Workshop.

We started our next PBL (Project Based Learning) on the Statue of Liberty. This week students brainstormed questions and things they wanted to learn about the Statue of Liberty. Then, as a group we decided on a few areas to focus our research on. Next week, the research begins!

Oh Parent-Teacher Conference Day...it gets me every year. I enjoy this day because I like having the time to sit down with each family one at a time.  However, this day is also tiring. I had 18 conferences back-to-back from 7:30-5 with only one 30 minute break! But, they went well and it was great discussing each child's progress and goals with the families.  And, getting sweet notes like my one little friend brought me the next day makes it all worth it too! These little reminders pop up reminding me why I teach! Love sweet moments like this.

Last weekend, Andy and I participated in the Southern Utah University's Homecoming events. They put on quite the Homecoming celebration! Fireworks, games, tailgates, etc! Had a great time and almost froze (46 degree weather) at the football game. This girl who has lived in Vegas and AZ for a very long time needs to get winter clothes :-).

Have a wonderful weekend!

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