30 January 2013

Creating Mental Images

Creating mental images is one of my favorite reading comprehension units to teach.  For mental images, I use a lot of ideas from Debbie Miller's book, Reading with Meaning.  Below are a few of the lessons and activities we did in my classroom.

Using Poems to Create Mental Images from Reading with Meaning:
Each child got to pick one of the four poems that they had the best mental image for and drew their image. Afterwards, we looked at each image and noticed that even if the image was for the same poem each image was different because everyone has different schema. Below I have pictures of the bulletin for this activity that is also found in Miller's book.
Most Vivid Mental Image:
Using the stories, A Bad Case of the Stripes and Pigsty, students had to pick their most vivid mental image to complete the mental image handout. These stories are fantastic for mental images and provide great details to help students create the image in their head.
We worked on some other lessons from her book, but unfortunately I didn't get pictures of those lessons.



  1. Hi there Jordan! So nice to meet a fellow first grade teacher! I love your visualizing and mental images ideas! I am working on a post for next week regarding that!
    So happy to be your newest follower! I would be honored if you stopped by and entered my special little author giveaway!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
    Celebrate and Join my 100th Follower Ultimate Giveaway: Skype Author Visit!

    1. Hi Julie,
      Thank you for the kind comments and for being my newest follower! I will definitely check out your blog and can't wait to see your ideas on mental images. Have a great weekend!
      Team V's First Grade Fun
