30 January 2013

100th Day of School

We had our 100th day of school a week or two ago and we had a blast.  The 100th day of school celebration is always a lot of fun and we added some great new activities to our celebration this year.

Finding 100 Words
This page I found on atozteacherstuff.com.  The kids take clipboards, their paper, and go around the classroom trying to find 100 words to write down. They love this activity and they always get excited to see how many words they can find. 


Story and 100 Things Activity
Then, we read the story 100th Day Worries and decided what we would collect if we needed to collect 100 Things. The cute 100 Things collection page comes from FirstGradeBlueSkies Teacher's Pay Teachers page.  She did a great job designing these cute 100th day pages and the best part of all...they are FREE!

I would have 100 clothes because they are so very stylish.

I would have 100 diamonds because they are so very shiny.
Special 100th Day Glasses
This is one of my favorite activities that I've done every year in first grade. This one just takes a die cut machine for the numbers and a craft stick.  These special glasses are decorated by the kiddos and then used with a math activity later in the day.


Math - Find 100 Stars:
For this activity, the kiddos use their special 100th day glasses. Now, these glasses have magic powers. These glasses make it possible for the kids to find the 100 stars I've hidden around the classroom.  For this activity, the night before, I hide 100 stars (with the numbers 1 through 100 written on them) around the room. Some in easy locations and some in some harder locations.  The kids use their special glasses and search the room for the stars. Then, after about two minutes, we start filling in the 100's pocket chart.  After filling in the stars we've found, we then see what we're missing and go on the hunt again. Some years you end up losing a star or two, but it's always funny to see how excited they get when they find that missing star a month after 100th day.
Hidden Stars:
Pocket Chart:
To end our day, we talked about what we would buy with $100 and filled it in on a cute worksheet. It's pretty funny to see what the kids think they can buy with $100.  Afterwards, we decorated this cute 100th Day Bookmark that my teacher candidate found.
Hope everyone had or a has a great 100th day of school!

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