28 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I'm aware New Year's was a few weeks ago, but this is one of my favorite activities so I had to post it.  Every year on the first day back from Winter Break we talk about New Year's resolutions.  I always start by reading the book Squirrel's New Year's Resolution. This book puts explaining a resolution in simple terms and also shows some examples that the kids understand.

After reading the story, we come up with a list of resolutions. The kids pick things like - "I will read more books, I will try to stay on green, I will try to help people, etc.  Then, they write their resolution on a piece of "toast" (used the die cut machine at school) and we make a "Toast to 2013." See bulletin and examples below.

I want to help others be good students.

I want to be a better reader.
I want to make people happy.
And, a belated Happy New Year's to everyone!

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