01 May 2016

May Currently

So I've been on a hiatus...from many things. But, I figured Farley's May Currently was a great time to restart writing on my blog! Especially after I found out this is her last Currently link-up.  Be sure to link up with Farley here and thank you for all of the fun monthly link-ups! I'll miss them!

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  1. Hi Jordan, I too fell off the blogging wagon lately. I'm a new mom-to-be so that's a big part of the reason... Don't beat yourself up for not going to the gym ;) Sometimes we have to focus on rest as a means of taking care of ourselves! Hope you have a lovely week - Ash

    1. You're too sweet Ashley! Congrats on the new little one on the way! That is so exciting! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. I am right there with you on more hours in the weekend! There is never enough time to get it all done! It's also been a sunny day here in Indiana, which is nice after all the rain. It makes it hard to get things done, though, because I just want to spend all day outside!
    Shine on in First Grade

    1. I totally understand Sarah! The Sunday chores are not as much fun as hanging out in the nice weather outside! Hope the nice weather sticks around for you!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  3. Never enough time in the day! I'm looking forward to summer so the gym and I can begin our relationship again!

    1. I hear you on that! Summer is a good time to get back into that. This next month will fly by!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun
