05 February 2016

Five for Friday - February 5

Crazy that we've already finished the first week of February! January flew by and I'm sure February will do the same.  I'm linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday.  Link up here...

We've moved on to measurement for February.  On Monday, we used Hope King's Measurement Play Book and measured the items to the nearest half inch or inch. It worked out perfectly since it was football themed and the Super Bowl is this weekend! Perfect timing!

I've been doing more charts with our phonics. I've struggled finding a rhythm with our program and phonics at a second/third grade level. So, we've been working with our sounds and doing lots of charts and examples. This week was tricky with the er, ir, ur, or sound since they all practically sound the same. The kids did a great job identifying words and helping me put them in the correct column.
Yesterday, we continued with measurement. We learned about the standard and metric system this week.  Then, we went around the room to find items that were about a centimeter, inch, foot, and yard/meter for our recording sheet. They love using the meter stick! Wish I had one for each kid! But not too much fighting over it so I'll call it a success.
This will be a separate post eventually. I've dove into Project Based Learning this year and couldn't be happier with how it's going and prouder of the kid's progress.  The last 2 months students have been researching a country.  They then wrote a report from their research and worked with their group to create a presentation. I let them have free rein on the presentation and I love that they all chose different things. The group above decided to make a book.  They worked so nicely on their presentations and I love seeing the independence the PBL promotes.  I promise I'll have a big blog post or many blog posts on all of the cool PBL projects we've been doing at some point...
No picture for this one...this week has been rough! I've had a bad cold/upper respiratory infection (well I didn't go to the doctor so who knows if it was officially that) for the past week! I'm so sick of being sick.  Any other teachers in this boat?? This year I've been hit particularly hard! Can't wait to be healthy again!

Hope everyone has a fun and healthy weekend!

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  1. Jordan,
    Thank you for sharing your PBL ideas! I love PBL!

    Teaching Voracious Learners

  2. Measurement is always so much fun to teach. It's automatically hands on! I'm working on division now, which is also fun. Have a great week.
    Laughter and Consistency
