29 January 2016

Five for Friday - January 29

It's Friday - So I'm linking up again with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Be sure to link up here!  I'm super excited for the weekend as this week went a little slow.  A little too slow for my liking.  See what we've been up to for the past week below...

This game is called Double Compare Multiplication. There are many different versions of Double Compare and for all you need a deck of number cards. We used our Investigation number cards. Students divide out all of the cards so they have an even amount.  Then, both students flip over two cards.  They multiply the two cards (their factors) together and whoever has the largest number (product) wins.  Just a quick way to do some multiplication review.

Oh, how I love this book! We do three chapter book whole class book studies throughout the year in addition to using the Journey's series. I love the book studies because it give us a break from the program routine.  I also love this one because it's hilarious.  The kids love it and they are super engaged because they can't wait to see what all happens to John. I highly recommend this book for either a chapter book study or a class read aloud - 2nd or 3rd grade.  It's too funny!

We still have a few days to go until February, but my awesome group of room moms were already ready to decorate for February. Look how cute this door display turned out! I'm super grateful that we have very active parent participation at my school!

This is a sneak peek of one of my newest soon-to-be TPT projects that is not in my store yet. We've been working hard on multiplication and have also been working on finding the missing factor.  This week, kids had a chance to work on Factors Around the Room. A product and separate blog post about factors is coming soon!

I haven't bored people with house pictures in awhile so I thought I'd add a few in here lol.  Andy and I are building our first house! It's so crazy to see how much progress they make on it in just a few days time.  Here the framing is pretty much complete!  Can't wait to move in!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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1 comment:

  1. That book looks so much fun! Your new house looks amazing - hope it's done quickly for you it must be so exciting to watch it being built! Your February door looks so lush!

    Teaching Autism
