01 October 2015

October Currently

I'm linking up with Farley for October Currently.  Be sure to link up with her here..

This is my first post back since probably her last Currently.  That first month of school has been crazy, but I'm hopeful to get back into a blogging rhythm.

Listening: Random mix on iTunes while I'm catching up on blogging and life.  A very random variety from Whip Nae Nae to Billy Currington lol.
Loving: Fall is maybe coming. In Vegas it feels like Fall is never arriving. But today, it finally was under 100 - like 99, but I'll take it. And, there was a slight breeze which was a bonus.  I'm hopeful it'll maybe be like 85 by Thanksgiving :-)
Thinking: I'm trying to be healthier. I've been cutting back on Diet Coke, drinking more water, been better about eating and not snacking, and am trying to get to the gym.  The one thing that's difficult is how tired I am at the end of the day. I find it hard to get to the gym.  Any suggestions?
Wanting: I got hooked on Scandal over the summer and may or may not have watched 3 seasons in one week.  I'm a bit of  Netflix addict.  New episode is on in an hour and I can't wait! Hope the husband is home in time to watch!
Needing: SLEEP. I'm sure I'm not the only one needing sleep. I finally feel like school has settled down this week. Back to School Night is done, Conferences are done, and we are finally in a pretty good routine (knock on wood). However, I'm still exhausted! Can't wait to sleep in Saturday.
Boo-tiful: A recurring theme - fall weather. I can't wait for pants and sweaters and not melting at recess!
Link up with Farley!
Follow me on...



  1. I can appreciate random playlists on iTunes. If you were to just put mine on shuffle, you would hear a Disney tune followed by some mainstream rap right before a nice symphony. Many friends have gotten a kick out of my iPod.

  2. Hi jordan, Thanks for stopping by, I'm your newest follower! I need more sleep too!!! The weekends aren't long enough.
    Teaching and Much Moore

  3. I feel you! At the end of each day I get so tired I literally can't get into the routine of things. Last year I was able to get home and really push myself into the workout videos/exercising but I am real struggling this year !! Once you get into a routine that usually helps, also take pics of your progress- that sure got me motivated to keep going!

    I'm the exact same as you - netflix addict! I got around to watching Once Upon a Time when I was on summer break this year after loads of people kept telling me I just HAD to watch it! I fell in love, watched the full set of series within 2 weeks, now I'm on pins waiting for the next episode in the new series!

    Teaching Autism
