02 October 2015

Five for Friday - October 2

Two posts in two days is a miracle! But, I can't pass up another Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching.  Link up here.

The Band-Aid activity - What a great activity and one I wish I used every year! I have many students who need different things in my class. For example, two students have a separate behavior plan from the Clip Chart and earn rewards at the end of the day. Of course for second graders, this gets the question of - why does he get to do that? In addition, to many other differentiation things going on and kids looking questioningly at each other why they are doing something different than their neighbor. So, I took the Band-Aid lesson about fairness and differentiation from many different blogs and combined it to what I thought would work for my class. I was hoping for a powerful conversation and had a good conversation. Not powerful, but not bad. The kids were more amused by the Band-Aid then questioning why they all got them in the same spot when that wasn't where their injury was.  We'll keep at it.  Maybe next years group will understand it better.
I am so excited with how Writing Workshop has been going. Last year I didn't use it at first and missed it.  I tried implementing it mid-way through the year, which worked but this year I started at the beginning. As I was walking around today and conferring with students I was so proud of how far they've already come and so excited to see that they were already writing a ton and excited about writing!  So glad I decided to use this model to teach writing again!

Our school is huge in to holidays. We also have amazing room moms who help us decorate our rooms and plan our parties (love having them).  This year it was even better because I had a team of 5 moms from my class decorating my room.  It was done and amazing looking in an hour.  I appreciate all of their hard work and the kids loved the cool decorations!
We're in the middle of our next Project Based Learning project.  I still need to blog about our first one.  Our second project is focused on maps. At the end, the students are going to create their own island and bury treasure on it.  They then have to create directions to help people find the treasure. The kids are super excited about it and I'll have more info on this soon too - along with the TPT pack I'm using for the Treasure Map part.
Last weekend, Andy and I went to Chicago for a whirlwind of a trip. We were there less than 48 hours, but I got to go to my first Cubs game at Wrigley Field.  Wrigley Field is a place like no other. I've been to many different types of sporting events, but the atmosphere around Wrigley Field before and after the game was amazing! We had a great weekend and even though the Cubs lost, Andy got to see them celebrate clinching the Wild Card spot.  He's a huge fan so that was awesome for him to be there and be a part of it! What a great weekend!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to have so much help decorating for the holidays. A few years ago my husband and I went to see baseball games and Wrigley Field was definitely an experience! I'm intrigued by your PBL for maps and would love to hear more about it.
    Stories by Storie
