07 August 2015

Five for Friday - August 7

I'm so sad my last week of summer break is coming to an end, but I'm starting to get excited to meet my 19 new second graders next Friday at Meet the Teacher.
Here's my Five for Friday - link up with Doodle Bug Teaching here...

Oh the lamination.  I have a love/hate relationship with my Scotch laminator. I love how pretty it makes things look.  But, I'm not a fan of cutting it out and how the little pieces of lamination end up all over my floor.  Oh well- it still makes everything look pretty so I use it. Since I got my class list last week, I started making all of my little things that had their names on it!

This has been a labor of love. I got the template and idea from Amanda Madden's blog - Teaching Maddeness.  She has a great blog series on how to plan for your whole year. I highly recommend it to any teacher! I took her long range plan idea and made one for our 2nd grade. Oh boy was this a project! But, I'm so pleased with how it turned out and I know it'll be so nice going into this year so organized and planned out!
Thank you Amanda for getting me started on this with your blog series!

I saw Southpaw on Sunday with Andy. I was hesitant that I would like it, but it was SO GOOD!  However, the fighting parts made me very nervous and I had to close my eyes, but the storyline was amazing! If you haven't seen it, put it on your list!

I love a good, fresh manicure and pedicure. Had to show off the amazing job the nail tech did! Love the pink and silver!

Andy and I were lucky enough to squeeze in a little mini staycation before the back to school fun and his team arrives.  I start setting up in my classroom Saturday, so we were down to the wire, but got a little RnR in.  We had a little mini staycation at the M Resort.  Love their pool area! It is beautiful!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

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  1. I'm glad you were able to take a little break before school starts. We are thinking about going to New Hampshire for three days right before our in-service starts. That thought is making me really nervous about getting my classroom ready though! Your manicure looks awesome! I love the colors!

    1. Thanks Crystal! I definitely recommend taking the 3 day trip. I'm glad we got away for a day. It was a nice break before the crazy begins! Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!
      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. Love the silver nail. It really highlights your ring. :)

    My Bright Blue House

  3. My team created pacing guides for math and reading, and the special ed teacher and I mapped out what we want to do for inclusion writing. Now, I have long range plans to do for social studies and science. I'm starting today! You've inspired me! Next week, we're doing a short camping trip. That will be a nice way to relax before heading back to school. Have a great year!
    Laughter and Consistency

    1. Hey Jan!
      That's awesome. I know the plans seem difficult to start, but I'm sure we'll be glad to have them once things get going! Have fun camping!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun
