22 July 2015

Wordless Wednesday - July 22, 2015

I'm so excited to be linking up with Miss DeCarbo's Wordless Wednesday. It's been a long time since I last linked up.  Be sure to link up with her here...
This picture shows task cards for a few of my 2nd grade literacy stations. Do you have stations in your classroom? If so, what stations do you have?
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  1. I teach middle school and I haven't used task cards. I teach my reading classes in rotations, and sometimes I do rotations in L.A., as well. What I do is display a power point with a rotational chart at the beginning of the period. We read over the chart so that everyone knows what their task will be during their rotations. It was nice meeting you and I hope you have a wonderful school year.

    1. Awesome. That's a great idea to display it up on a PowerPoint so they know what their task is for that time period. Thank you for sharing! Hope you have a great school year too!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. I have a workstations packet that students complete each week, it includes Spelling City, Ticket to Read OR AR, Comprehension, Writing, and Grammar. They can work on the items in any order they wish, but must budget their time carefully. Students have an assigned workstation partner that rarely changes (maybe twice a year).

    1. That's awesome! What is Ticket to Read?? I haven't heard of that one before.

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  3. I've wanted to work stations into my class, but we switch for classes which gives a lot of time constraints. Also, my scripted reading program (gag) doesn't really allow for it. I'm seeing how I can wiggle it into my math class this year. :)

    1. Those scripted programs can make it difficult. Math Stations are awesome too. I did them a few years ago and am bringing them back this year!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun
