31 July 2015

Five for Friday - July 31

Wow. I can't believe July is over. That means school is just around the corner! Hard to believe how fast this summer has gone, but I feel like they all go this fast.  I'm linking up again with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Link up with her here...

I'm so excited about my new addition to Writing Station.  I wrote all about how I plan to use Pick a Prompt here.  I just put up in my TPT store. Would be perfect to pick up during their Back to School Sale - August 3 and 4.
So, I don't have a picture for this next one, but I got my class list on Wednesday! 18 new little second graders. I'm so excited for this new group and so excited for my second year.  It'll be nice not being the "new" teacher at a school this year.  Not that it was bad experience, I'm just glad to know more of what I'm doing. 

Ok. If you like to read and you haven't read this book - GO READ IT NOW! This book is amazing. I sat down for 3 hours and read it cover to cover. I don't read like that anymore, but this book was so good I couldn't put it down.  I highly recommend it if you have time for one more summer read!

My husband and I purchased a plan through HouseSeats.  No I'm not working for them, but you should check it out. You pay a certain amount for a year or two year subscription and they offer up shows that haven't sold out and you can go for free (well technically you paid for the subscription). I know I'm not doing this explanation justice so check out their website if you're interested. They only have it in certain cities.  We finally used it for the first time and went to the Laugh Factory Show at the Tropicana Hotel. It was hilarious! The comedians were so funny and it was a nice mid-week break.

So I love my Fitbit. I got one last summer and love it. Since I'm back on the workout train, I finally got 10,000 steps the other day. Now, I am supposed to get this everyday so I'm still a work in progress.  It's funny - days teaching I get it easily. Definitely helps that we hardly have time to sit down during the day.  Would love to link up with some more friends on Fitbit and do some challenges. If you're on it - add me - Jordan Johnson. My email for that one is sunsfan328@gmail.com
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Only one week left of summer break for me. When do you all go back?


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  1. HouseSeats sounds like so much fun. May have to look into it once I don't need a babysitter anytime we leave. . . that's YEARS down the road though. Maybe we will have to have a babysitter on call for now.

    My Bright Blue House

    1. There ya go - a babysitter on call is a great idea! Have a great weekend!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  2. Congratulations on starting your second year - and surviving the first! I think you will find the second year to be so much more enjoyable than the first - at least it was for me. I had to find my groove - and it took about a year to get it. And how lovely to only have 18 second graders! Hope you have a wonderful year!

    One Step Closer Teaching

    1. Thanks Ashley. I just realized I should've clarified. This is actually my 9th year teaching, but 2nd at the same school. My brain knew that, but what I typed came out different.

      Hope you have a great school year too!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I couldn't put The Girl on the Train down either...perfect summer read!

    1. It was! Very intriguing! I'm hoping she writes more books!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  5. Love Girl On the Train!! Great book!!! I love my fitbit too! I will add you! :)
    Moore to Learn

    1. Hey Kristin!
      It was fantastic! Thank you for the Fitbit add! Hope you have a great weekend!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun

  6. 18! Wow, I am so jealous. I have 27 on my list right now and that is down from last year's 31. Our classes are so big! My friend is Fitbit obsessed and calls me to walk at night if she is short on steps!
    The Blessed Teacher

    1. Wow! 27 will keep you very busy. I'm glad to hear it's down from 31...that's just crazy. They need to make class sizes smaller everywhere! Love that you help your friend out when she needs her steps!

      Team J's Second Grade Fun
