10 July 2015

Five for Friday - July 10

I'm linking up with Doodlebug Teaching for Five for Friday.  Be sure to link up with her here...

I was lucky last weekend to go to the Kenny Chesney concert not only once, but twice.  We had tickets for Friday night at the Joint at Hard Rock Hotel and then our friend had a connection and got us tickets for a table on Saturday.  Can't beat that show twice - he's an amazing performer!

Cleaning.  My favorite thing...NOT.  So since we moved in last August and I started at a new school in August things didn't really get arranged in our place.  Now that we also have all of these wonderful wedding gifts we also need a place for them. So, this week I've been on a cleaning and organizing rampage. I'm making some progress....
Here's the after of our linen closet in our bathroom...
So this will not be the last I talk of our wedding, but I'm so excited because our awesome photographer Alli at LTL Photography has gotten a few images done. I love, love, love everything she has shown so far.  Here are two that are completed...
This one is my favorite- first look with Andy -

I was also lucky this week to get to attend a day of the SDE Differentiation Instruction Conference at the Venetian.  Wow - what great presenters they have.  I will have a separate post on some of my takeaways from my DI day this weekend.


Barre class - I have a love and hate relationship with this. I tried it in April and signed up soon after. I used to dance so this workout was right up my ally.  Boy is it a workout. My first day I was like oh this is easy, you hardly use any wait, you hardly use any movement - boy was I hurting the next day.  After being gone the last month off and on I finally went back to class this week.  I missed it! What a great workout!
Thanks for stopping by and seeing what I was up to this week. Be sure to link up with Kacey here.

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  1. Gorgeous wedding pictures. Congrats.

  2. What a nice perk to live so close to the conferences!
    Your wedding photo of your hubby's expression is wonderful! Love that!
    Learning at the Teacher Table

    1. I am very lucky to live nearby. I'm hoping to go to the TPT conference next year. Thank you! I'm so excited with how they turned out. I agree - his face and expression is perfect!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  3. The wedding photos are beautiful! Jealous that you live so close that you can go to the conference. I will also be going to Kenny Chesney this summer! We will be going to the one at Target Field in Minneapolis.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I'm very lucky to live near it. I'm hoping to go to more next year. You'll love his concert. He's one of the best concerts I've ever seen! Enjoy!

      Team V's Second Grade Fun

  4. Your wedding pictures are beautiful! It made me want to go dig mine out and relive the day! You are so lucky to have attended the SDE conference. I was planning on it, but then I unexpectantly decided to make a job change, and...it was a hefty pay cut. But the saving has started for next year! Can't wait to read your takeaways from your time there!

    Live, Laugh, Love Second

    1. Thank you Lori! I did get very lucky and it helped living in Vegas :-). A big plus to living here. Hope you enjoy your new job. I'll be posting my takeaways tomorrow so be sure to check them out.

      Team V's Second Grade Fun
