02 September 2014

Updated/Revised "I'm Done"

Every teacher hears this at least once a day (if not a million times) - "I'm done, what do I do now?"  Well a few years ago I saw this idea on Pinterest called the "I'm Done" cup.  See how I used this here.   While this worked for awhile, I've decided to try a different approach for how kids choose and allow the choice to be theirs not up to what stick they draw. This also will solve some behavior issues that would come from multiple kids trying to draw sticks at the same time.

Here are their options so far...
-Read a book
-Take an AR Test
-Practice math facts on Xtra Math
-Write a story
-Bucket Filling
-Practice spelling words

I'll add more as the year goes on, but this is a good start and isn't too overwhelming.  Students have the options up and visible and they can pick one option from the door.  Multiple kids can be working on the same option which is fine unlike with the cup.

Here's what it looks like...

What do you have kiddos do when their done with their work?  Comment below. I'd love to get some more ideas for my "I'm Done" door.
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